Truman Club Soccer is now taking orders for official replica uniform t-shirts! Each shirt costs $12 and the proceeds go towards new uniforms for the club. The shirts are black with purple and white writing, and feature our club’s crest and the words “Truman Club Soccer”—the same that the players wear on the field. The shirts are men’s sizes, so keep that in mind when ordering. To order, turn in this form to Austin Rupp, West Campus Suites 2207, or to any member of the team. Pre-payment is required, and checks can be made to “Truman Men’s Club Soccer.” Thank you for your continued support! Deadline for Ordering Shirts is Friday, February 22. Any questions? Contact Austin Rupp at (402) 639-9259.
Isn't the crest going to have like a white background?
The crest does have a white background...For some reason, it doesn't show up on the sample.
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